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"Doctrine of Virginity of Mary - Different Points of View"
The Virgin Mary is revered and honored throughout the Christian faith.
In the 14th century a shift in Theology occurred over the ideology of the Virgin Mary.
The Marian Doctrines, which are the Immaculate Conception Doctrine and the Assumption Doctrine are two areas where a majority of fundamentalist's part in theology from the Roman Catholic Church.
Historians agree that Mary was the daughter of Joachim and Ann. Scripture suggest that she was related to Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. Many scholars agree that she most likely grew up in Nazareth. Her parents had chosen, Joseph of Nazareth for her to marry around the age of fourteen or fifteen. Soon after this engagement, the Archangel Gabriel, came to Mary to announce that she would bear a child, and he was to be the Son of God. Scripture explains that the conception of the child was through the Holy Spirit that was sent by the Father God himself.
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